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  • Children book illustration | elissdigital.art
    Children book illustration | elissdigital.art

    Children book illustration

    An illustration was created for children's book about mythic creatures and other mythic worlds.
    • Author
    Alesia Tula
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    • Style
    • Topic
      Book illustrations, Animals/Pets, Fantasy
  • Book illustration for children's book | elissdigital.art
    Book illustration for children's book | elissdigital.art

    Book illustration

    Book illustration for a fairytale.
    • Author
    Alesia Tula
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    • Style
    • Topic
      Concept Art/Character design, Book illustrations, Animals/Pets, Children, Fantasy

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      • PayPal
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      • Alesia Tula
      • Illustrator
      I received your message and will reply to you as soon as possible.
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